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Please sign our petition for better access to genealogical sources in Belgium

Many people searching for their roots in Belgium regret the difficult access to recent genealogical sources in Belgium. Due to the current Belgian legislation, the civil registry records are not accessible until 100 years. The resident registration in Belgium is even not accessible during the first 120 years ! In comparison with other countries, these long terms are no longer acceptable. Furthermore, the administrative procedure for consulting these sources, is very long and complicated. As the largest and the officialy recognised genealogical association in Flanders and Brussels Familiekunde Vlaanderen started this petition with two goals:
- to shorten the very long terms of non-consultation for public administrative genealogical sources.
- to ask for an easier - preferably free online - access to genealogical data derived from public records.
Would you like to support our petition ? Thank you ! You can easily complete this online petition form. Familiekunde Vlaanderen respects the Belgian privacy law. The information which is given to us for this petition will under no circumstances be distributed to others. Thanks to your coöperation, Familiekunde Vlaanderen can make the access to genealogical sources in Belgium hopefully much easier in the future. On behalf of the president and board of Familiekunde Vlaanderen.
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